Unifosys OrgDoc - Organization Chart Creator - Data Visualization

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Version 5.2

18 March 2020

1. Extended View - Navigational Tree and Extended Sub-chart Views (Three-Dimensional, Planer) for Large Organization Charts.

2. Organization Chart Search - Search in Chart Content and Quick Navigation.

3. Security - Password-Protected (encrypted) Organization Documents.

Version 5.1

1. Better Support for Large Organization Charts - Smooth Scroll and Zoom.

2. Fix: Saving an Empty File.

Version 4.3

1. Data Designer - Support for Homogeneous Data (Custom Fields) Corresponding to Chart Nodes.

2. Data Search - Searching and Filtering of Chart Data.

Version 4.2

1. Tree Editor - Easy Data Editing and Organization Hierarchy Editing.

2. External Documents - Attach External Documents to Chart Nodes & Open Anywhere.

3. Full View - Easy Navigation for Large Organization Charts.

Version 4.1

1. Import - Import Organization Data from Microsoft Excel (xls/xlsx) Files.

2. Export - Export Chart Data to xls File.

3. Bulk Data Editor - Edit all Your Data in a Single Place.

Version 4.0

1. Spreadsheet - For Each Node of the Organization Chart, and for the Chart.

2. Rich Editor - For Each Node of the Organization Chart, and for the Chart.

3. Customization - Your own Header Names for the Organized Data.