Visual DAQ DaqPlaner
DaqReady Edition - Yoctopuce Extensions
Last Updated: 20 August 2020
Download Yoctopuce Extension for DaqPlaner.
(Size: 780 KB)
See Yoctopuce Usage and Demo (Video)
Yoctopuce Sensors, Devices & Enclosures
Yoctopuce have a well-maintained set of devices and sensors, with standardized interfaces and communication protocols. You can use multiple wireless hubs and modules, to determine the total number of sensors for data collection. DaqPlaner handles 100+ sensors comfortably, and gives the user, the optimized best of parallel execution.
Visit Yoctopuce for more information and to purchase the sensors, devices (modules) and enclosures. Temperature, Humidity, CarbonDioxide, Voltage (AC/DC), Current (AC/DC), Power, Light, Pressure sensors are supported. Please make sure that which all modules can be used with DaqPlaner, contacting Yoctopuce.
It is Easy 6 Steps
To start live monitoring and analysis (Usage and Demo Video):