Unifosys OrgDoc - Organization Chart Creator - Data Visualization

Usage Tips

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1. Start

2. Tips

  1. You can open and work on multiple documents at a time.
  2. Level properties are applied to each level of nodes, if Custom and Tag (Group) based customization is not given for that node.
  3. Click a node, switch to custom option to change photo/background only for that node.
  4. Click Drag & Drop icon on tool-bar, to do rearranging of nodes. IMPORTANT: click again on icon to go to normal working mode.
  5. Chart Data import/export/easy bulk edit is in Data menu (main menu)
  6. Use tool-bar export icon to save chart image as picture/PDF.
  7. You can enter & save any associated data of each node on the right side spreadsheet and rich editor.
  8. Right-click on the expand/collapse (+/-) button to view sub-chart from that point.
  9. Click Full-View icon to see the overall view of the organization chart.

3. Tutorials

  1. See video tutorials.