OrgDoc - Organization Chart - Drag and Drop

The above video demonstrate how to design organization charts, by drag and drop (re-arranging) of nodes in an organization chart.

Import/Input - Bulk Data Editor


Import tabular data from Excel file (xls/xlsx) or add nodes in designer and input data.

Use Bulk (Data) Editor & Tree (Hierarchy) Editor for quick and easy data editing.

Organization Chart - Full View

Chart Designer

Different layouts, node sizing options, node photos, tags, backgrounds, categorization of nodes.

Drag and drop nodes to any node. Export chart data to Excel. Export chart to image and PDF formats.

Data Organizer - External Documents

Data Organizer

Keep all your associated data in one place, for better viewability and backup. Each node has a spreadsheet and rich document associated with it. An ODOC is a master document, to which you can attach & reopen, external files too.